
Telephone Cable Stranding Machine | 1922

Release Notes // July 2021

Speech Recognition and MMS are now available for general use in our API. Not only will you be able to find new, available phone numbers that have the MMS capability, you can also activate MMS on many (if not all) of your preexisting toll-free and local phone numbers. Please let us know if you have any questions. We…

July 14, 2021


SMS Alerts: Automating Modern, Timely Communications

SMS alerts are text messages sent in both urgent and time-sensitive situations. Alerts may be automated and sent in bulk, like during an emergency situation, or sent as individual messages. Automated alerts are a powerful business, logistics, and communication tool that delivers easy business wins while better engaging…

June 30, 2021


What Is Phone Number Information Lookup

A Phone Number Information Lookup API allows you to look up details about a phone number with a simple request. You can specify a phone number and the type of information you are looking for, and the request will return the underlying data virtually instantly. Once a request is made, the information is parsed and…

June 24, 2021


Enhance CX By AI-Enabling Your Contact Center

The way contact centers leverage technology has changed in recent years. Of course, as the tech landscape continues to evolve and advance, companies are always updating their tools to keep up. However, in the past, automation was thought of primarily as a tool to save time and money. Now, the focus has shifted to how…

June 16, 2021


What Is A2P 10DLC

A2P 10DLC stands for Application to Person Ten Digit Long Code. This new industry development allows businesses to achieve higher text message (SMS) deliverability rates and throughput using a traditional, US local phone number (long code). A2P SMS communications were originally limited to 5-6 digit short code numbers…

June 8, 2021


Call Masking 101

What is Call Masking? Call Masking (aka Call Anonymization) uses proxy phone numbers, provided by a CPaaS like Voxology, to keep caller identity anonymous and prevent fraudulent use of sensitive information. In a world where data security and personal privacy are of utmost importance, Call Masking ensures anonymity and…

May 25, 2021


Call Tracking 101

What is Call Tracking? Call Tracking enables your business to know exactly where, and from which marketing campaign, your inbound calls originate. Instead of deploying a single phone number to receive all of your public inbound calls, regardless of where the caller found the number or their intent, Call Tracking gives…

May 12, 2021


What Is CPaaS

CPaaS stands for Communications Platform as a Service. Similar to other Platforms as a Service (PaaS) or Software as a Service (SaaS) providers, a CPaaS is cloud-based, however it was specifically designed to support software applications by giving developers the tools to integrate and manage real-time communications…

May 4, 2021


Release Notes // April 2021

We have made a number of enhancements to the REST API and expanded the functionality available in the Portal. While you may have noticed some of the new features, we wanted to be sure to highlight them in the notes below. RELEASE NOTES // April 2021 PROGRAMMABLE VOICE // New Features & Enhancements 1. Media Stream…

April 29, 2021



STIR/SHAKEN, or SHAKEN/STIR, is a technology framework consisting of a suite of protocols designed to reduce fraudulent robocalls and illegal phone number spoofing. Phone number spoofing is used by robocallers to mask their identity and make it appear as if a call is coming from a more familiar source like a nearby…

February 17, 2021
